Friday, September 12, 2008

So Ready to Come Home!

We are so ready to come home! We are getting cabin
fever in this hotel room. Aiden is fussy and very
confused and Shaelyn is in a foul mood. I am about
to go crazy not to mention I have not been feeling
well. Don't know what is causing it but I have been
very dizzy! It starts after I eat breakfast, so don't
know if it's something I'm eating or what. It lasts
all day long and is heightened by the heat outside.
I felt so dizzy yesterday to a point of passing out.
Please pray that this will pass!! Thankfully Aiden
prefers Daddy right now so Rob is doing most of
the baby care and I'm dealing with "Ms. Priss".
Shaelyn is NOT an international traveler that's for
sure! We received Aiden's passport yesterday! YEAH
We leave tomorrow around 1:15 PM for Guangzhou.
Here is where we will receive Aiden's medical exam
and his visa to come home. We are very anxious to get
home. Hopefully things will return to some type of
normal once we get there. Please keep us in your
prayers. The 14 hours flight home with Aiden seems
almost unrealistic!! Please, please make this a
matter of prayer!


Maresa said...

Melody and family, My prayers are with you all every single day. I think of you all so very often through out each and every day and I too will be glad when you are here. It seems time is passing so slowly or is it just me? Ha! I do pray for Aiden. The beginning of his transition went almost to good to be true however we will not underestamate the power of God. we are sure to see some bad days but overall I do believe that Aiden has done well and we will still thank God for his help. Just hang in there. I'm sure being at home and things getting back to normal will make a big difference. Children can easily adapt to things around them. Take care of yourself and don't push to hard. We all miss you guys so much! Love you

Maresa said...

melody. I can tell you don't feel good. You look pale and very tired. I hope you are getting some rest.I'm very worried about you. I'm praying for you(extra)!!! (Smile) Love you

laurie said...

I have felt dizzy lately too and found out I had an inner ear infection. It is terrible. I have been sick to my stomach as well. Take care and don't over do it.

Anonymous said...

Keep your chins up. It's almost time to head home. I can't wait until you are back here where you belong. I will be praying for you all. Please be safe. We love ya'll.

Anita Marie said...

Sounds like inner ear infection to me. It might be a good idea to go to a doctor and get some ear drops. An ear infection can be a scary thing on a 14 hour flight. Don't want to scare you but I had a flight from NC to Illinois (2 hours)with an ear infection. My ear became so painful I thought my eardrum would burst. I advice you to get that checked out SOON.

We will pray for all of you. I'm sure things will calm down when you are back in Home Sweet Home. Just remember what amazing things God has brought you through and He's not about to let you down now.

Papaw said...

Hi Honey, I guess you are back in Guangzhou by now, and Aiden will be getting his medcal check-up. Perhaps you can get the Doctor to take a look at you too-- that way you can get it knocked out before Thursday morning your time another flight. But I guess you will be flying out of Guangzhou and back to Beijing by Wednesday.
When hunting this morning, first day of deer season with bow, and Allen saw 2, but was not able to get a shot off. Love yas, & can't wait till Thursday. Will see you at the airport with 'bells on'.

Marea P said...

We will continue to keep you in our prayers and will pray that the kiddos will be mellow for the rest of your trip. Two weeks in a motel definately makes one long for home, so I hope the next few days go by quickly for you. We love you all and have enjoyed being able to keep up with you while you've been in China.
Love, Marea

Maresa said...

hey Shealyn, Your little brother is so cute. How does it feel to be a big sister? We will see you in a few days. Hurry home. We love you, MaKalah, MaKenna & Skyler