We are back from the hospital and Aiden is doing well! We
arrived at the hospital @ 6:00 AM and by 7:20 AM he was in
surgery. About an hour later they came and told us everything
went well and we could see him in a few minutes. They brought
him to us a couple minutes later and he was upset but looked
terrific! The results were immediate! They did such a great
job of fixing that left upper lid. Within minutes Aiden was
drinking juice and eating cherrios! They removed his IV and
we were given discharge instructions. We were so thankful and
excited that it was over. OR SO WE THOUGHT! Moments before
we were to leave the hospital Aiden reached up and rubbed his
eye (which had no bandage of any kind on it)! Immediately I
noticed a large amount of blood and called for the nurse. He
had popped a couple stitches! Urghh! We waited for the Doctor
to come back and take a look at it. He confirmed that a couple
stitches had come loose and that he would have to go back in
and re-suture it. WHAT!?? They'd already removed the IV AND
he had already eaten! So.....They had to put in another IV,
head back tot he OR and put him back under anesthia. They
even had to pump his stomach because of the cherrios. Poor guy!!
It was not a good experience to say the least. About an hour
later Aiden was returned to us (with an eye guard on this time)
and we were allowed to actually go home this time! He really
went through a lot but the outcome is terrific. The nurses and
Doctors were wonderful there and we were treated very nicely.
Aiden will probably look worse tomorrow and even the next
day as the swelling will increase as well as the bruising.
But the initial report is that the surgery (or should I say
"surgeries") were a success! Here are some before and after
photos! Thanks to everyone for their prayers and especially to
my Mom and Dad, Aunt Maresa and Cousins Shan and baby Ethan
for coming to the hospital to show their support! You all are
the best!!