Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our Christmas Memories

Shaelyn in front of the tree at Church.

Our "Storybook" children's Christmas program at church.
Rob drew all the characters for me!!
Aiden in front of the Wisemen at the program.

On Christmas Eve Aiden got to meet his cousins Daniel
and Travis for the first time! We enjoyed having them
visit from Ohio.

Shae on Christmas morning.

Things have been a bit hectic around our house but
we have paused long enough during this Christmas
season to make some really nice memories. It started
on Christmas Eve when we make cut out cookies and
let the kiddos decorate them. Boy was that a mess!
We then lit the luminaries outside on our sidewalk and
enjoyed the company of my brother and his family from
Ohio. Christmas morning dawned bright and early with
Shaelyn being the first one up. "Santa" had left new boots
for the kids and a stocking full of goodies. The stockings
were torn into first then the presents from Mommy and
Daddy! After presents were opened, we headed to
my Niece's house for Christmas dinner with everyone.
We ate until we were stuffed then opened more presents.
Saturday morning we had Christmas program practice
at church along with a little party for the kiddos.
Saturday evening my Dad took the whole family out to
eat and we got to enjoy each other all over again:) Then
this morning (Sunday) we had the Children's program.
It was a bit crazy but ended up being okay after all.
Wheeee, I am tired but HAPPY! Thankful for the reason
we celebrate Christmas and for the gift of a Baby in the
Manger. I'm also thankful for my little family and for
the joy, laughter (and yes, sibling fussing and fighting)
that so brightens our lives especially on Christmas
morning! We are BLESSED!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Our Christmas Eve

Stockings are stuffed and "Santa" is bringing new boots to the kiddos:)
Decorating Christmas cookies.

The kids had fun baking and decorating cookies this evening. We
had a few moments of chaos, but for the most part, it was a fun
time. Then we lit luminaries out on the sidewalk and enjoyed
fun and fellowship with my Brother and his family from Ohio.
The kids are now in bed, stockings are stuffed and "Santa" has
arrived. I am feeling incredibly blessed this evening! God is so
good to us! Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow!

I can not rememer a time that we have had snow
to compliment our Christmas decorations. Needless
to say, we are thrilled!!!! The kids have enjoyed it
and I love to look at it! Sure makes for some
wonderful Christmas memories!!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmas Card Photo Session

Finally - camera was a bit blurry, but this is the one we finally used!
Wheee! Glad that's done!

(attempt #2) - This one took 2nd place but again Aiden
shut his eyes.

(attempt #3) - Shae and Sophie did well, Aiden got distracted.

Shae thought we should just use this picture,
but of course it was missing someone :)

(attempt #4) - Aiden's eyes completely shut and horrible camera quality!

(attempt #5) - cute kiddos, horrible camera quality!

To say that I had a hard time getting a good Christmas Card
photo for our cards this year, would be an understatement!
My camera was acting up, and the kids would not cooperate!
Here are our attemps.....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Aiden is "thankful" for our dog Sophie. They are pals!
We are thankful for Mimi (my Mom). She loves Shaelyn and Aiden
and they love her too. This picture was taken after Thanksgiving
dinner today.

We are so very thankful this Thanksgiving for the
many blessings God has blessed us with this
year!! There are so many things that come to mind
that I would have difficulty listing them all! One
special thing I am thankful for this year is time
spent with family. Yesterday we took the kids
to the parade and happened upon my sister and
her kids so we joined them and had a great time.
Today we had my Mom and Dad and my Sister and
her family over for Thanksgiving dinner.
(17 people in our little house) It was nice to spend
time with everyone. We sure did miss my brother
and his family and Rob's sister and her family in Ohio.
We also missed Rob's Mom and Dad and Sister's family
in New York. Wow we would have a huge crowd if
everyone could come. We cherish our family and thank
God for them. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Monday, November 16, 2009

First Night in Toddler Bed

Much to my surprise, Aiden fell asleep in his toddler
bed tonight! I could hardly believe it! Rob's co-worker
gave us a nice TV/VCR and we put it in Aiden's room.
He can not see it well from his crib and until tonight, was
unable to see if well from his toddler bed. Well, I got
a bright idea to move his toddler bed to be positioned
in front of the TV just to see if he would sit on the bed
to watch his favorite Blue's Clues videos. Sure enough
he sat on it without any problems. Then he little by
little became more comfortable on it as the evening
progressed. Soon he was fast asleep on it! Yay!! Now
I am soooo excited:)

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Dirty Boy!

Aiden is 100% boy! He loves anything to do with rocks,
sticks and dirt. Today I planted some pansies in the pots
on our front porch. It didn't take him long to discover
the freshly cultivated dirt. When I turned my back for
just a minute he had both hands in the pot digging for
all he was worth. This is the scene I turned around to.
I quickly got the camera and captured these pictures. If
it is dirty....he loves it!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Shaelyn and Aiden with Papaw.
The back of Aiden's costume was sooo cute!!

Our little "mouse" ready to trick-or treat!

We took the kids to the Mall and to a few houses
this evening to trick-or-treat! We stopped by
Mimi and Papaw's house before we went so they
could see the kids in their costumes. Papaw was
dressed like a farmer and was all ready to had
out candy at his house. Shaelyn looked beautiful
in her 50's attire and Aiden was adorable as a
little fat mouse. He did not want to keep the hood of
the costume up however, so it was hard to tell what
he was suppose to be. We enjoyed seeing all the
different costumes at the mall and enjoyed
just being together as a family. We were thankful
Rob was off tonight! It was a fun night!

Monday, October 26, 2009


We did not get to take the kids to the pumpkin patch
this year due to some rainy weather. Instead we opted
to just buy the kids a pumpkin at the store. They were
still very excited about picking out their pumpkins.
We almost waited too late and had a hard time finding
nice pumpkins! We finally found some and then were
back home to carve them. The dining room table became the
carving station and needless to say was cleaned very
well after the event:) Rob was off tonight so he helped
Aiden with his and I helped Shae with hers. We had a
fun time! We already had a fake jack-o-lantern on
display on the front porch so we just added our two real
pumpkins for a nice trio of Halloween fun. Another fun
tradition at our house is sealed in our memories! We are

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Leaves

Aiden just "chillin" in the leaves.
Shaelyn and Sophie in the leaves. Sophie is not too sure she
is in love with this idea.

Shae and Aiden keeping Mr and Mrs Scarecrow company.

Aiden in the pile of leaves. This is only a small portion of
the leaves we have:)

Aiden is "free" to enjoy the nice sunny weather!

Aiden apparently thought his clothes were too restricting!
I found them in the yard! I'm actually surprised he kept
his diaper on.
Shaelyn riding her bike through the customary "leaf road".
It was not a journey of love however. Shaelyn thinks she
is far to old and mature for this tradition.
Every autumn we are blessed with tons of leaves!
It has become somewhat of a tradition to make a day of
raking and playing in the leaves. This year was no
exception. Shaelyn pretty much thought she was too old
now for the tradition and would have much rather been in the
house on the computer. Aiden sure enjoyed himself though!
He had a blast playing in all those leaves. He must have
gotten overheated because I turned around from blowing
some leaves and discovered that he had shed his
clothes and was parading around in nothing but his
diaper. It was so funny! It was a warm day today
(almost 70 degrees) so I just let him run around
the yard without his clothes. He was nothing but smiles!
We will probably have one or two more leaf raking
days before our trees are all bear. I love the leaves
but quite honestly wish we didn't have so many:)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

His Eye Is On The Sparrow!

This past week has been especially stressful, and to be honest
there were times I felt like the wind had been knocked
out of me! I am ashamed to say that I have indulged myself
in a few self pity-parties. I had one of those weeks that I
felt like God was a million miles away and really could care
less about me and my problems! Well, it took a little bird
to shake me back to reality. As we were leaving for church
this morning, Rob discovered a little sparrow that was "dying"
on our front porch. He was on his back and was jerking and
gasping for air. I swooped up this little bird and held him in
my hand. Nothing seemed broken and he wasn't bleeding so
I begin to think he had flown into our glass storm door and
had knocked the wind out of himself. I carefully placed him
on the bench in our flowerbed, rubbed his little head and told
him it would be okay. We left for church and I wondered if
he would be dead when we got back. Well, when we arrived
back home we checked on the status of the little sparrow and
he had flown away! God used that little bird to let me know
that everything would be okay. His eye is on the sparrow
and I know he watches me!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Pumpkin Painting

We took the kids to the Autumn Jubilee today
at Dan Nicholas Park. They had fun painting a
pumpkin! Thankfully the paint is washable!
We ALL got paint on us:)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Worth It All!

This time last year we were adjusting to a new little
member of the family. We had been home with Aiden
for about 10 days and oh were we adjusting!!! I
remember many times I felt like I was going to
pull my hair out! Shaelyn and Sophie (the dog) were
insanely jealous of Aiden. Shaelyn wasn't too sure
she wanted to share her turf with a brother after all!
I began to wonder when and if our house would ever
me "normal" again:) Well, I am happy to report that
a year later we are FINE! Shaelyn has finally adjusted
to having a brother and Sophie is now Aiden's best buddy!
Shaelyn adores her little brother and is thankful for him.
They have their moments, but most of the time they are
enjoying each other as I so hoped they would! What a
difference a year makes!