Saturday, May 09, 2009

My Journey to Motherhood

As my 10th Mother's Day as a Mommy approaches, I am finding
myself reflecting back over a long and arduous journey. A journey
that started out with heartbreak and shattered dreams only to be
replaced with immeasurable joy and not an ounce of regret! This
journey has not always been easy and there were many times
along the way that I questioned God and cried out in anger.
My desire for a biological child once consumed me and I struggled
to understand the reason that my dream of motherhood was so
elusive and unattainable. I couldn't see beyond my grief and I
certainly could not see the beautiful plan that God had in store
for me. Fast forward 10 years and now I SEE! I now can see
that the plan God had for me from the beginning was far better
than my own ideals. God handpicked two beautiful children from
half way around the world and placed them in my heart for me to
love and Cherish for as long as I have life. Through the miracle of
adoption not only did I became a Mom but I saw the beautiful
story of Christ's redemption revealed so vividly. I am so
undeserving of God love but because I have accepted Him, I am
adopted into the family of God and am a joint heir with Jesus.
At the very moment I was handed my beautiful children, they
went from being orphans to being cherished members of our
family and an heir to everything we own. Throughout this
journey to motherhood, I have learned a valuable lesson.
God's ways are far better than our own!! How could I have
wanted it any other way! I can honestly say that I would
not change the outcome of my journey even if I could. I feel
like the most blessed Mother in the world!! The love I have for
these two children that God blessed me with is indescribable. I
thank Him for choosing this path of motherhood for me!

1 comment:

Anita Marie said...

Happy Mother's Day - Melody. You truly are blessed.