Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

    It doesn't seem like too long ago that we were ringing in 2012 as the New Year!  Now we say goodbye and welcome in a brand new year.  Time moves on. It is not halted by pain, heartache, storms, laughter or joy.  The hands of time spare no mercy.  In looking back over 2012 I can see a multitude of good times, bad times, and times when I didn't know how to react or even feel.   The lose of an entire chapter of our lives, at times seems too much to comprehend.  Losing Mom and Dad (Rob's parents) and the only "childhood home place" Rob ever knew seems so cruel.  Losing Rob's 9 year old cousin to a disease more horrible than any nightmare, seems incomprehensible. Why?  The question I've asked many times, and may never know the answer to.

     Without doubt, the "storms" of 2012 have been fierce however, I am thankful that God lifts us up above the storm clouds for moments of relief and sunshine.  He has been our Rock and our Fortress!  The tears of sadness have given way to joy and laughter if but for one moment at a time.

   God has answered many prayers for our family this year! We were relieved to find out that Aiden's eye twitching was nothing more than a childhood "tic" that will go away in time. When so many at Rob's work were losing their jobs, Rob still has his. God blessed us all with good health this year - no major issues! The point I'm making is matter the storm,  no matter the pain.....GOD IS FAITHFUL and GOD IS GOOD! He holds the future and I am extremely blessed to have the assurance that He is holding our family in 2013! Happy New Year!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

                                           Aiden and Shaelyn all ready for Church
                                           Sunday morning!
                                         Angry Bird PJ's for Aiden this year
                                         and "Cupcake" PJ's for Shaelyn.
I can hardly believe that it is Christmas Eve 2012 already.  Crazy how time simply flies!  Tonight Shay and Aiden opened their PJ's (a tradition that we do every year). We made Christmas cookies, a giant gingerbread man, lit our luminaries outside and just enjoyed being with each other.  We are so blessed!  The kiddos are in their rooms (not asleep yet) and you can feel the excitement for "Santa's" arrival.  Thankful, thankful, thankful is all I can say!  Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Today I have been flooded with emotion as I think about the loss of Rob's Mother (63 yrs) in Dec 2011 and Rob's Father (66 yrs) in Nov 2012.  In less than 11 months we lost them both!  The loss is hard to convey in words.  It is a chapter of our lives that is now over, a door that is  now closed forever.  The only childhood home that Rob ever knew is now sitting empty with a for sale sign in the yard.  The only thing that remains are the memories we have.  It is hard for me to think about anyone else living in that house. It is Mom and Dad's house.  Mom's "apple" kitchen, Dad's chair that he sat in all the time, the Lily of the Valley flowers on the side of the house, the Rose of Sharon bush out front, the rose bush by the front door that I trimmed many a time and the lilac bushes that bloomed beautifully every spring!  In my mind I can see every picture on the wall, every figurine on the corner shelf and I can hear the chiming of Mom's anniversary goes on regardless. I can remember the many nights around the dining room table playing phase 10, pictionary, scattagory and many other board/card games.  The yummy food that Mom would prepare and I would always wash the dishes after the meals.   There are so many memories!  It is hard to accept that memories are all that we have left.  Life is cruel in that it is here for just a passing moment.  Nothing stays the same.......time moves on.....making no apology for the changes that occur and the lives that are effected. 

Live each day as if it is the last moment you have.  Hug more often. Let go of ill feelings and grudges.  Don't spend your life finding satisfaction in material things - none of it will go with you! MAKE MEMORIES!!!  Lots of good memories!  One day... memories will be all that this world has left of you.

Monday, November 05, 2012


We have had a lot of "teeth" excitement lately at our house.  Aiden has lost 3 teeth within a 2 week span.  His permanent teeth are on their way in and are already filling the holes left.  The tooth fairy has been quite busy keeping up with Aiden's tooth lose.  He even lost one at school! 

Today, we took Shaelyn to the orthodontist to get her braces off.  She was a bit nervous and a lot excited about having them removed!  She was a trooper through the 2 hour ordeal and now has a picture perfect smile to show for her 2 years of braces pain.

Fun, fun times!

Aiden showing us what has been keeping the tooth fairy so busy!

                                         In the chair for the last time with braces!  Yes, Mommy
                                         had to go back to get pictures!  lol
                                               They are OFF!
                                                                      So pretty!

Happy Halloween!

Aiden was a Ninja this year for Halloween.  Shaelyn was a "cat" but she alluded the camera.  We took the kids out trick or treating to a really nice subdivision close to our house.  Daddy drove the truck and Mommy, Shay and Aiden rode in the back so we could jump in and out easily.  LOTS of candy was received and great memories were made! 


Sunday, September 09, 2012

Happy 4th Forever Day Aiden!

Four years ago today, God blessed our family in the most amazing way!!! We were introduced to our wonderful little boy at the Adoption Center in Chongqing, China on Sept 8th, 2008. The blessing that this little guy has been to us is hard to describe in words! He is the sunshine in our family and God knew we needed him desperately! The journey to Aiden was not an easy one, but we would walk that path a thousand times if necessary to have our son! We love you Aiden more than you will ever know!! Happy 4th Forever Day!

                                            Aiden opening his Forever Day gift!
                                               A Frog Webkinz and a cool gun.
                                              Aiden's laugh makes my heart smile!  He is
                                               soooo happy!
                                              Aiden smiling while we sang to him... "Happy Forever Day to you"

                                            Four Years with his Forever Family! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kindergarten and 8th grade

Aiden started Kindergarten this year and Shaelyn is in her last year of Middle School!  Where does the time go?  Aiden was so excited and talked about this day for a very long time.  Shaelyn, on the other hand, was not so excited and pretty much dreading having to return from her summer break.  The "Mommy Taxi" will be taking both kiddos to school before going to work each day.  I had to adjust my hours to accomodate this change.  I am so thankful for an understanding employer!  Rob or I will pick the kids up after school each day and Shaelyn will watch Aiden after school until one of us gets home from work.  We are hoping things run smoothly for us once we get into the routine. 

Aiden's first day of Kindergarten went smoothly. He is very independent and wouldn't have needed me to walk him in but I insisted (to take pictures). He was nothing but smiles and mommy FAKED a smile until I was out of his sight. How is it possible that the baby boy that was placed in my arms not so long ago, is now in Kindergarten and my baby girl is an 8th grader? *Sigh* 

Aiden with his teacher - Mrs. Weaver
                                              Aiden all ready for his first day of Kindergarten
                                          So excited!  
                                          Sitting at his desk for the first time.
                                            Sportin his new name tag.  He thought he was
                                            hot stuff!
                                                     Our beautiful 8th grader!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy 14th Birthday Shay

It is hard to believe that I am wishing my baby girl a happy 14th
Birthday!  Where or where does the time go????

We took Shaelyn out Saturday night for her birthday dinner.  She
had decided that she wanted to go to "Sticky Fingers".
It just so happened that her Uncle Michael and Aunt Heidi, cousin
Travis and his girlfriend Sterling (from Ohio)
were in town on a quick visit and joined us for the bithday dinner.
The only picture I took was of horrible quality but I'm posting it
anyway.  The food was yummy and fellowship was great and
Shaelyn was all smiles.  After the dinner we went back to our
house and ate Shaelyn's Birthday cake for desert.  A "cheesecake
named desire" from Coldstone Creamery.  We've had this yummy
cake before but it was a first for Uncle Michael and Aunt Heidi
and they concluded that it was the yummiest cake they had eaten
in a long time! 

Sunday morning Shaelyn awoke to her birthday presents and
cards from Mommy, Daddy and Aiden.  She was thrilled!

It's hard to convey into words just how much of a difference
this baby girl has made in my life. She has brought me so much
joy and happiness!  I will forever be grateful to the women who
gave life to my little girl!  Happy Birthday Shaelyn - you are
cherished! :-)

4th of July 2012

We took the kids to a Kannapolis Intimidator's minor leage baseball game
for the 4th of July.  It was a first for Aiden and he was very excited!  It was
horribly hot but we managed to stay cool with our spritz bottles, little
fans and umbrellas. Aiden got a little bored after about an hour but
he was a trooper and stuck it out.  There was a beautiful fireworks display
after the game and the kids ooohed and awwwed with almost every one!
It was a fun, HOT, but enjoyable 4th of July!

Father's Day - 2012

I've been a really bad blogger here lately!  It has been a couple of
months since I  have posted anything and boy do I have a lot to
catch up on!  Starting with Father's Day.

Here is a picture taken on Father's Day 2012 and I just love it! 
Shaelyn and Aiden with their wonderful Daddy!!!  Of course
Lilly and Sophie had to be included as well!  :-)  I am so
thankful that my kiddos have such a terrific Dad!

                                    They are truly blessed!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blessed and Thankful

Here I am on Mother's Day 2012 with two beautiful children that I thought
I would never have.  The name "Mommy" eluded me for many years and all
of the Mother's Days were so painful.  I am beyond blessed and forever
thankful to God for allowing me to experience the joys of motherhood!

Mother's Day 2012

On Saturday, Rob took the kiddos to town while I was mowing the backyard. 
When they returned, they rushed out to the backyard with their Mother's Day
gift selection in tow.  They were so excited they couldn't wait until Sunday to
give it to me.  I had just completed the yard mowing and knelt in the grass
and opened my gift.  They had picked out a couple of really nice dresses for
me.  They (well their Daddy) knew I had to dress up every day for work and
that I really needed a new look.  They did a great job of picking out
something that I would like!  It did my heart good to see them so excited!
I am so blessed to have these two precious treasures that I can call my own!
Love you Shaelyn and Aiden so very much!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tooth Fairy Made a Visit

When Aiden had his teeth cleaned a few weeks ago, the Dentist
told him that he had two wiggly teeth on the bottom front and that
he should wiggle them as much as possible.  On Easter Sunday
(during church), Mommy "accidently" pulled the 1st tooth while
checking to see how wiggly it was. The Tooth Fairy came that
night and left Aiden a cute little note and $5.  He was impressed!
This picture is of Aiden taking matters into his own hands a few
days after he lost the 1st tooth. He pulled the 2nd one himself.
My baby boy is growing up! (Sigh)

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!  This is our attempt at a family picture on Easter Sunday.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Forever Ours

 Thanks to God, and to the Peoples Republic of China, my arms no longer ached!
On 2-22-1999, my life changed drastically.  I went from being a childless women with an aching heart to the MOTHER of the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen.  I can never adequately convey with words just how much joy my heart was afforded that day in Nanchang, China.  On that wonderful day, every tear that I had shed during my struggle with infertility seemed like a vapor in the wind.  Why God had blessed me with such a beautiful little bundle was almost more than I could comprehend.   A lot has taken place since that day in 1999.  Shaelyn has grown into a beautiful little lady with a kind and sensitive heart.  She has brought immense happiness and joy (as well as typical teenage moments - lol) to our home.  I have thanked God repeatedly for allowing me to walk the path that he chose for me - the path of adoption.  I am a better person today because of a tiny baby girl that he intrusted me with 13 years ago.  Happy FOREVER day Shaelyn!  I love you more than words can express!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Aiden's 5th Birthday Party

We had Aiden's Birthday party this past weekend and it was
so much fun.  We had it at the YMCA.  They pretty much
did everything for us!  (I felt like I cheated a little)  We invited
several of Aiden's little friends from playgroup, church and of
course his cousins.  We had pizza, chips, punch and cake. The
party theme was Spiderman.  The kiddos enjoyed playing on
the giant inflatable and the adults enjoyed just "hanging out". 
There were 34 people in attendance.  Aiden got lots of nice
gifts and felt very special!  It is hard to believe that he is 5
 years old already!  Where does the time go??




Friday, January 06, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

5 years ago, a baby boy was found at the back door of a hospital in
Chongqing, China.  He was wearing only a thin, t-shirt and was
wrapped in a thin blanket. He weighed 8 lbs and 5 ozs. A nurse
heard a baby crying loudly and soon found the most precious little
bundle at the back door.  I've often wondered if his birth mom was
waiting in the bushes or somewhere out of sight making sure he
was found safely.  I'm sure the decision she was forced to make
was horrible for her!  I pray that God gives her peace.  In the darkness
of that cold night, God was watching his plan unfold.  I am so
humbled to have been a part of His plan.  Aiden has been such
a blessing to our family that it is hard to comprehend what it would
be like without him.  I am VERY thankful to God for my
sweet little boy!  Happy Birthday Aiden - you are treasured!