Rob drew all the characters for me!!
and Travis for the first time! We enjoyed having them
visit from Ohio.
Things have been a bit hectic around our house but
we have paused long enough during this Christmas
we have paused long enough during this Christmas
season to make some really nice memories. It started
on Christmas Eve when we make cut out cookies and
let the kiddos decorate them. Boy was that a mess!
We then lit the luminaries outside on our sidewalk and
enjoyed the company of my brother and his family from
Ohio. Christmas morning dawned bright and early with
Shaelyn being the first one up. "Santa" had left new boots
for the kids and a stocking full of goodies. The stockings
were torn into first then the presents from Mommy and
Daddy! After presents were opened, we headed to
my Niece's house for Christmas dinner with everyone.
We ate until we were stuffed then opened more presents.
Saturday morning we had Christmas program practice
at church along with a little party for the kiddos.
Saturday evening my Dad took the whole family out to
eat and we got to enjoy each other all over again:) Then
this morning (Sunday) we had the Children's program.
It was a bit crazy but ended up being okay after all.
Wheeee, I am tired but HAPPY! Thankful for the reason
we celebrate Christmas and for the gift of a Baby in the
Manger. I'm also thankful for my little family and for
the joy, laughter (and yes, sibling fussing and fighting)
that so brightens our lives especially on Christmas
morning! We are BLESSED!